Tuesday, February 9

Time to Bulk Up

Buying food in bulk is still something I have not ventured into. I find it difficult when I go down the bulk bin aisle and stare at everything that is there. I want to try new things but am fearful of buying too much and hating it. I also don't know enough recipes in which to use these bulk items to actually get used to buying them. (This is definitely my own fault. And I sound like a huge pansy by admitting all of this.)

I know the benefits of buying in bulk such as:
1. You help to eliminate wasteful packaging.
2. It is cheaper.
3. If you bring your own container, you are limiting even more packaging.
4. It is cheaper.
5. You are more likely to eat healthier foods with whole grains by purchasing bulk foods.
6. It is cheaper.

You get what I mean.

So my question is to all 10 of you reading this: Do you buy in bulk and what do you make with it? I would love to have some recipes or good tips about where to start.

Please leave a comment or send me an e-mail to let me know. I am serious about this. I really do want to know.

Picture from www.globalenvision.org

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