Friday, January 1

What's This All About?: About Sustainable Susie

I am Susie. A midwestern, sarcastic, moderate leaning (can you lean moderately in politics?), eco-conscious, wife of one, mother of none...for now. I strive to live a simpler life in hopes of causing less strain on the environment, my life, and my budget. I am constantly learning about better, more holistic approaches to daily living and hope that I am becoming a better person because of it.

This blog is dedicated to bringing an awareness to eco-conscious products and ideas through product reviews, life stories, tutorials, and more. I do not claim to be an expert on any topic and my posts are solely my opinion. I appreciate all comments, even those that disagree with my beliefs. But I will not allow any comments to be posted that include foul language or are generally just mean. I don't expect any but hey, you never know.


  1. The U's, starting with your Grandpa Jim and Grandma Marilyn, have been doing a lot of "green" things before the rest of us got onboard. Good luck!

  2. Henceforth, I shall be known as "anonymous" on your blog comments since I'm not techno-savvy enough to figure out how to do it any other way. :) Carol W.

  3. Works for me! The U's were right with their time (ie. depression era) but now seem so ahead of their time. Man, how times have changed!



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