Wednesday, February 10

HGTV: Green Home 2010

While the weather is crummy out right now I thought I would look at some greener pastures, or lawns shall I say.

The house above is HGTV's Green Home for 2010. What a beaut. It is located in Plymouth, Massachusetts and is overall a gorgeous home with a lot of great green features. But really, how "green" is it?

It has low-maintenance landscaping. (Good, but is it planted with plants native to the region?) It has a drip irrigation system. (Good choice.) It has large trees that we transplanted from another site in the area. (Wait, how was that a good idea? Isn't it very unhealthy it take grown trees and move them?) It has 9 solar panels on the roof. (I didn't have to pay for them so it sounds like a good idea to me.) The wrap-around porch is made from a PVC-product that is impervious to moisture and insects. ("Building materials which contain PVC account for more than 70% of all PVC usage. The Green Building Movement is one of the fastest growing aspects of the environmental movement. The extreme potency, global nature, and disproportionate hazardous impacts of dioxin relating to production, use, and disposal of PVC have already influenced many in the building and construction industry to plan for a phase-out of PVC. The use of PVC compares unfavorably with other building materials in: air quality, embodied energy, recyclable and lifecycle toxicity impacts." -The Alliance for a Clean Environment...'Nough Said"

That is enough of that. I am just being picky. Overall, it is a beautiful home, all 2,100 square feet of it. For the average American this is way more eco-conscious than they would expect (or do themselves) so I do give HGTV mad props for that. (Yes, I am pasty white and said "mad props". Deal with it.)

Anyways, what is your idea of a "green" home? What ways are you making your home greener now?

Picture from

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