Thursday, January 21

Warping the Mr.'s Mind

Something I learned early on in our marriage about the Mr. is that he doesn't like his toothpaste messed with. He is a squeeze-from-the-bottom-type-guy, only likes certain flavors, and certain textures (yes, toothpaste textures) creep him out. I, on the other hand, don't really care about the flavor or texture and love to squeeze from the middle. (How we handle marriage I sometimes don't know.)

Anyways, in my quest to slowly but surely move our lives in a more eco-conscious manner I bought Tom's of Maine Whole Care toothpaste from Whole Food's while we still lived in Denver. The Mr. was less than impressed (understatement). The first time he brushed his teeth he complained that it felt weird. (You are rubbing plastic bristles covered in goop against something you eat with. How can that ever feel normal?!? Try doing it with something other than toothpaste chocolate pudding....and you will get what I mean.) As I was saying, it felt 'weird'. I told him to grow-up, and I didn't hear anything about it until we used up the tube of toothpaste.

When we moved I realized that we had an extra tube of a name brand toothpaste under our sink from before the "dreaded hippie lovin' paste" so I decided we should use that up instead of buying a new tube. I expected to hear nothing from the Mr. because we were back to normal toothpaste.

The first night of the use of the name brand toothpaste and what do I hear from the bathroom, "Yuck! (Spit, spit.) What IS this stuff? This is gross." I ran to the bathroom thinking the Mr. had inadvertently used lotion or something to brush his teeth, but sure enough, it was the name brand toothpaste. I told him it was what we had always used before the "hippie paste". He seemed surprised and asked that we go back to the "hippie paste" after we are through with this. I still hear him mumble "Gross." as he brushes his teeth.

Score 1 for me and the "dreaded hippie lovin' paste". I am actually a big fan of it. I am still doing research about how eco-conscious Tom's of Maine truly is since I just read an article on Re-Nest (which you can read, too, by clicking here) that says they are owned by Colgate-Palmolive. I am usually leery of eco-companies that are owned by non-eco-companies. ie. Green Works by Clorox. This might make me crazy but hey, I accept that.

Do you use any "organic" or "eco-friendly" personal products at home? If so, what are your favorite brands? If not, what keeps you from doing so?

Picture from

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