Wednesday, January 27

There is Life Outside of Your Apartment

The title of this post is brought to you by Avenue Q. Don't know what I am talking about? Go here. Anyways, I have been alluding to all the work we have done to our new apartment, and I thought it was high time to show you the fruits of our (loom) labor. Above is the hallway that connects all our rooms of our one-bedroom, classy, dig.

Here are the Before and Afters of the rest of the 600-something square foot apartment.

Living Room





Feel free to notice that the Before pictures aren't the best because we never thought we were going to be doing demo on this place (thank you cat urine for changing that). Also, I didn't take them. They were painstaking taken by my landlords, while we still lived across the country.

Also notice that there are no pictures on the walls...yet. That is a project that I am taking upon myself rather than later....maybe. What we did do was paint every wall and take up the carpet in the kitchen (yes, kitchen), bedroom, and hallway and lay laminate wood flooring. We also stripped wallpaper in the kitchen and living room. I know despise wallpaper with all my might.

And yes, as a married couple we have 3 stuffed animals on our bed. Don't be surprised if I make it 4 in the near future when I recover my childhood security item (Lamby the Lamb) from my parents' house later. Don't judge. God hates judgers (I don't know God's opinion on Judges, the people in black robes, not the Biblical book, though).

What was your childhood security item? Anyone have a more unique name for their stuffed animals? (I have Lamby the Lamb, my best friend had Moo-Cow the Cow, and the Mr. had Puppy the puppy. Not very creative children....obviously.)

1 comment:

  1. I would know puppy anywhere. I still have "Puppy's Mom," an equally creative name for the larger version of that stuffed dog.



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